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  • What kind of people should visit Southeast Sulawesi?
    We are looking for people who are ready and willing to do their best to ‘engage’ Indonesians cross-culturally in activities and translated conversation. Also, it is best if you are in reasonably good health and physical condition as life is often rigorous. If you enjoy a challenge, GO!
  • What if I have food issues or allergies?
    If you have any food issues, you must be prepared to bring supplementary food and take care of your needs. The main diet is white rice, fish, and veggies and fruit is available. We want to be aware allergies, but the area is too remote for us to be able to guarantee special help. Note that we have hosted guests with numerous allergies.
  • What are the risks involved?
    Again, possibly due to its remoteness, Southeast Sulawesi is ranked third from the bottom in Indonesia for medical care. Travel is not quick or easy. For this reason we ask that you have medical insurance with evacuation included. Many of the areas that we visit are islands reached by boats and ferries. The months of May through August will be the rainiest and roughest on the sea. We will use our best judgment regarding sea travel.
  • How do I prepare physically for my trip?
    Floor-Sitting Culture - We spend a lot of time sitting on the floor. We suggest you sit on the floor during one or more of your prep meetings or for a meal before you come. Squatty Potties - Most of the bathrooms have squat pots, so make sure you strengthen those quads! Trekking - There is a good chance that we will be hiking several miles at a time with backpacks. Be ready. Swimming - Because of boat and ferry travel, it is best if you can swim. However, we do have life vests available. Snorkeling is an optional activity for Fun Day. Weather and time-permitting, scuba diving will be available for certified divers. Also, we offer a Discover Scuba Diving course for $75 which requires no prior certification. If you plan to dive, please let us know in advance. Preventive Care - Bring insect repelent (with deet) and sunscreen. Drinking Water - All drinking water in Indonesia must be boiled, filtered, or purchased. Bring your personal water bottle that you can refill. Stay hydrated.
  • How do I prepare emotionally for my trip?
    Facing poverty - Be prepared to interact with poor people who may have low standards for hygiene. This may be uncomfortable. Filth and pollution - The environmental standards in Indonesia will be below what you are used to. For example, many small island outhouses drop straight into the sea. Get ready.
  • What does it cost?
    Around $2,500 per person for ten days on the ground and travel (depending on what rate you get for your international tickets). Round-trip international tickets should cost between $1,000 to $1,500. Domestic tickets will cost around $250. Ground costs for groups six and over are $60 per day per person, plus an extra $50 per person for Fun Day. So, for ten days ground costs will be around $650. This covers room and board and local travel expenses. It does not include personal shopping, souvenirs or scuba diving costs. Scuba diving is $50 per dive, $75 per 2 dives.
  • What will we be doing?
    We spend the first two days in orientation and day trips in the local area, then we spend two days in a village. We take one to two days to recuperate and debrief, then spend two more days immersed in a second village culture. We encouage engaging local people in activities and conversations. Finally, we enjoy Fun Day with snorkeling and/or diving.
  • What shots should I have administered before going to Indonesia?
    ALL NORMAL CHILDHOOD VACCINATIONS: Polio, tetanus, measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough, haemophiilus influenza meningitis + boosters MALARIA MEDICATION - There is malaria in Southeast Sulawesi. Recommended by travel doctor: malaria prophylaxis medicine Malarone is not recommended during pregnancy. It has a bitter taste if the tablet is crushed for partial dosing for kids - however, the powder could potentially be put into a gelatine capsule for swallowing. Doxycycline is not recommended for pregnant women or children younger than 8 years. Possible malaria medication: Mefloquine. Monitor for side effects, especially bad dreams. HEPATITIS A – Transmitted by contaminated food and water. HEPATITIS B – Transmitted by body fluids. Far more serious. TYPHOID – Contaminated food and water. 70% effective TB OPTIONAL : Japanese B Encephalitis Rabies Start vaccination program 3 months before travel. Keep accurate records.
  • How do I prepare culturally for my trip?
    Right Hand Culture - Do not give or receive anything with your left hand! The left hand is considered dirty - the one you clean yourself with in the bathroom. If you must use your left hand, you must say, “Excuse me for using my left hand.” For example, if you were holding a baby in your right arm and needed to receive something with your left hand. Handling Money - Money is a very sensitive issue. Do not flash money around. Do not show an open wallet; hold it down below counters when paying.
  • How do I prepare intellectually for my trip?
    Major Religion - Since Indonesia is the most populous Muslim nation in the world, it would be good to have an overview of this religion. The type of Islam in Indonesia is largely Sunni. Geography - It would be helpful to look at the archipelago of Indonesia, and understand where the island of Sulawesi is in Central Indonesia, and identify the province of Southeast Sulawesi, also known as Sultra.
  • What are some basic Indonesian phrases I might use?
    GREETINGS: *Good morning Selamat Pagi Good mid-day Selamat siang *Good evening Selamat malam Good-bye Selamat tinggal (if you're leaving) Selamat jalan (to someone who is leaving you) *Thank you Terima kasih You're welcome Sama-sama *How are you? Apa kabar? *Excuse me Permisi or maaf Do you speak English? Bisa berbahasa Inggris? I don't speak Indonesian. Saya belum bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia. I don't understand. Saya tidak mengerti. *What is your name? Siapa namamu? *My name is… Nama saya… Where are you from? Anda berasal darimana? *I am from… Saya berasal dari Amerika Serikat. REQUESTING ASSISTANCE: Can you help me? Bisa bantu saya? Where is . . . Di mana . . . Where is the bathroom? Di mana kamar kecil? How much is this? Berapa harganya?
  • What are the living conditions at WawoVentures?
    Weather - Southeast Sulawesi is a hot and humid climate, but on the coast we may enjoy a breeze. We use fans to help cool us down. Sleeping - You will be housed in a wooden bungalow with a personal bathroom, balcony, and fan. We have queen-size bed, twin beds, and bunk beds. Wet bathroom - Indonesian bathrooms are designed to get wet. You will wash up by dipping cool water over yourself with a plastic dipper. Most Indonesian toilets are squat pots, but WawoVentures has Western toilets with toilet paper. Water - Water is precious, so use it conservatively. We store mountain water in tank to supply everyone's flushing, bathing, cooking, and drinking needs.
  • What are the living conditions in a village setting?
    You will spend around four nights sleeping in a village setting inland or on a remote island. These conditions are comparable to 'extreme camping'. Packing - Pack as light as possible in a bag you can carry easily. Sleeping - You may sleep on a carpet on the floor. Bring a compact blow-up or self-inflate mattress and pillow if you desire. Large, hard pillows are often provided. Bring a light sheet or sarong to cover with. Mosquito nets are optional. Bathroom - Wet bathroom situation, more primitive than our bungalows. On islands the flushing system is often straight into the sea. Bring a hanging toiletry bag.
  • What are some ways I can interact with the locals?
    Dialogue - Be prepared to converse through a translator with locals and ask them about their life, culture, beliefs, and values. Prepare some questions to stimulate conversation about family, hobbies, and traditions. Showing Photos - Bring a small photo album or flip book of you and your family. Show these photos to encourage conversation with your host family. No pictures of dogs, please. Engage in Their Way of Life - Engage in their daily activities such as cooking, fishing, and gardening. English Teaching - You may teach English informally, or in a school setting. Prepare songs, games, simple lessons and activities. Arts - Prepare songs or skits for school children and villagers. They also love to try social dances from your country. Crafts - Women and children love simple crafts, such as making braclets and coloring. Community Projects - Depending on your skills, we may be able to provide special assistance to underserved communities. Sports - The people of Southeast Sulawesi particularly enjoy playing volleyball, soccer, and badminton! House Gifts- It's culturally appropriate to give amomento to your host family. This is something by which they will remember you, and should represent where you come from. For example: a California hat, a Texas T-shirt, or a framed family photo. Each guest should bring at least four momentos.
  • Personal Items to bring
    Toothpaste/brush, shaving supplies, shampoo, soap, anti-perspirant/deodorant, etc. Antibacterial hand soap Water bottle- reusable Sunscreen Bug repellent - high % DEET is best (repellent wipes work well) Medications - Pepcid, Cortisone, Ibuprofen or Advil, antibiotic (if you can), Dramamine for sea sickness, Ciprofloxacin Band-aids Small towel (towels are not provided at WawoVentures) Small packs Kleenex tissue (TP) Wet wipes Electrical appliances need 220 adapter/converter(optional) Body powder- for heat rash Money belt Sunglasses Hat Sarong Compact umbrella Passport- Original and 4 copies Notebook for reflections Compact folding fan Electrolyte or Gatorade or powdered vitamin packs to add to drinking water Snacks such as beef jerky, trail mix, granola bars, Power Bars Dry bag (optional)
  • Clothing to bring
    Clothing for 3-4 days. Should be modest and casual. Quick dry/wicking clothes are the best due to the humidity. You will hand-wash clothes, and the faster they dry, the better. Hats for sun protection. Shoes- 1 pair each: tennis shoes/walking shoes or good hiking sandals, 1 pr shower slippers/flip flops, 1 pr casual shoes (slip-on are easiest) Modest swim suit- (ladies consider a rash guard and board shorts or sport capris to go over suit) Light sweater or jacket for plane ride Ladies: The basic rule is keep your knees and upper arms covered. Please avoid "snug" or "tight fitting" clothing. Top should be long enough to cover your backside. Avoid low neck-lines. Capris work well. 1-2 light-weight scarves.
  • What should we wear?
    Bring light weight clothes that you can easily handwash and air dry. Bring hats for sun protection, sandals, tennis shoes/good walking shoes, slippers to wear in bathrooms. Slip-on shoes are the most convenient for removing easliy before entering homes. Women - Casual, pants and capris, tops that cover your backside and have some sleeves. No sleeveless tops. Modest swimwear such as exercise pants and a rash guard. Bring a blouse for formal ceremonies. Men - Casual, long shorts or lightweight pants, short-sleeved T-shirts. Bring a collared shirt for formal ceremonies. **Not recommended to bring jeans as they take a long time to dry.
  • What to bring for village trips
    Small overnight bag/backpack Compact mattress for sleeping (blow-up) Blow-up or compact pillow 1 flat bed sheet Small towel Flip-flops for the bathroom Hanging toiletries bag for bathrooms w/o shelves Dry bag for boat trips Flashlight
  • Gifts for host families
    It's culturally appropriate to give amomento to your host family. This is something by which they will remember you, and should represent where you come from. For example: a California hat, a Texas T-shirt, or a framed family photo. Each guest should bring at least four momentos.
  • What is the best Group Size?
    The recommended number of group members is 8-10, but we are flexible and will consider this case by case. We can host as many as 20 guests.
  • What is the recommended trip length?
    For international groups, we suggest ten days on the ground with two days on either end for travel. Total time - 14 days. For in-country groups we are open to shorter stays.
  • What airport do we fly into?
    Your final destination is the city of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. The Haluoleo airport code is KDI. Most likely you will transit through the city of Makassar, also known as Ujung Pandang, airport code UPG. You may enter Indonesia through Jakarta (CGK), or through Bali (DPS). It is recommended to enter through Jakarta. Note: There is a one hour time difference between Jakarta and Makassar.
  • What kind of Visa will we need?
    U.S. citizens do not have to pay for Visa on Arrival, so Americans have 30 days in-country free. If you plan to stay longer than one month, you must purchase an extension for USD35 at Immigration before entering the country. Otherwise, you will pay a pentalty fee for the second month. Note: Condition may change due to Covid-19.
  • What is your Contact Information?
    ADDRESS: RT 01 Dusun 03 Desa Wawobungi Kec. Lalonggasumeeto Kab. Konawe Sultra 93351 Indonesia CONTACT NUMBERS: Country code - +62 Kevin Cell Phone - +62 811259421 Yakub Cell Phone - +62 82296191221
  • How should we handle cash?
    You must bring cash in large bills, new (issued in the last six years) and crisp. They are very picky about receiving clean bills. The current exchange rate is approximately 14000 rupiah to USD1. Exchange money at the airport before coming to Kendari.
  • What kind of communication will we have?
    The phone signal in Indonesia is GSM. Any unlocked phone, tablet or iPad can take a local SIM card. In a village you may not have access to a phone signal. At WawoVentures you may have access to 3G or 4G signals.
  • What if I have a unique skill I want to share?
    We are creative and flexible, so if you have an idea that is unique to you, please suggest it! For example, one group loved to exercise, so we organized a neighborhood aerobics session. The locals loved it. One guest owned a salon, so she cut hair and shared beauty tips.



Tel: +62 8114056904



RT 01 Dusun 03

Desa Wawobungi, Lalonggasumeeto,

Kab. Konawe, Sulawesi Tenggara 93351



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